T-Drops Number 5 is Alive!

T-Drops Number 5 is Alive!


It’s time to introduce one of my favorite T-Drops. Super-strong cinnamon #5! Obviously, its main flavor is cinnamon. Not only does it refresh your breathe, but it stops acid reflux fast. I usually use this T-Drop when the acid reflux is really bad because I just ate something I knew I shouldn’t have. Because it tastes so great, I also use this T-Drop when I need a breathe mint. Being that cinnamon is good for digestion, I tried to convince my wife that Cinnabons are good for me. She woul

dn’t go for it. Are you wondering what makes up this wonderful T-Drop? Just like in all T-Drops, number 5 contains all natural ingredients of honey and licorice with an extra dose of ginger. The cinnamon is so intense that you hardly taste these other ingredients.    T-Drops #5 contains five different herbal teas that are known for helping with indigestion and reducing acid reflux. In America, we don’t embrace the natural benefits of drinking tea in the afternoon. But that’s a different story.

Want to try T-Drops #5? Just “like” our page on Facebook and request some free samples.


  1. Cinnamon is good for reducing reflux.
  2. “Like” T-Drops on Facebook/Tdashdrops.
  3. Live life, have a Cinnabon.
  4. Many teas are great for digestion.
  5. Try T-Drops #5.