Green Tea For Acid Reflux and Heartburn?

Green Tea For Acid Reflux and Heartburn?

Many people have used Tea to help with acid reflux and heartburn. In the Journal of the national cancer institute they said that Green Tea may protect against esophageal cancer that is caused by acid reflux. Some studies have been underway to show that Green Tea may help to tighten up the esophageal sphincter which when not tightly closed allows acid back into the esophagus causing acid reflux and heartburn. This proof is not as good as the benefits of other Herbal Teas that can be found in our Tea Drops.  The Mayo Clinic listed some herbal teas as a remedy to ease acid reflux symptoms. Among them are Licorice, Slippery elm, Chamomile,

and marshmallow. All of which are some of the Teas that are perfectly blended to reduce Acid reflux and Heartburn in out Tea Drops. Green Tea may offer some benefit but I believe these other Herbal Teas offer more.

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