FDA Warnings about Acid Reflux Medications!

FDA Warnings about Acid Reflux Medications!



Check out these two links. It is proof why you need to start using Tea-Drops and telling all your friends to do the same when

it comes to reducing acid reflux and heartburn. Here is a highlight of what acid reflux drugs especially

PPI’S (Proton Pump Inhibitors) are causing You:

Fracture warning – risk of fracture to hip, wrist, spine with use of these medications not yet labeled on packaging.

Increases risk of Clostridium cheapest car servicing Difficile (C-Diff) that causes all types of intestinal problems.

One study linked the use of PPI’s to an early mortality due to the increased risk of infections.

This is no Joke! That’s why we developed

All Natural Tea-Drops the safest way to reduce Acid reflux and heartburn.


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